1. Tell us who you are, where you're from and what you do in 1-2 sentences.
Hi, my name is April and I live in Avoca Beach on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW. I am a qualified Pilates Instructor and am the owner of Pilates with April (PWA) Reformer Pilates Studio.
2. How did you get into Pilates? What is your WHY?
I first discovered Pilates when I was 19 years old and had just moved from my home town to Bondi Beach. I had done dance classes until I was 16 and once I stopped dancing, I really struggled to find any other fitness classes that I enjoyed just as much. I had tried nearly every form of fitness (including a brief Zumba stint, don’t judge) and finally found myself in a Reformer Pilates Studio. Once I discovered that I could get fit lying down, I was hooked!
I decided to pursue instructing after I had my second daughter. There were some big changes happening in my life at the time, and I knew that I wanted and needed to do something for myself and for my two daughters. I also felt I had a really special connection with the health & movement industry. At that stage, I had been involved in the fitness industry for a few years in a different capacity and loved it, but never imagined myself as a PT. After a night catching up with a girlfriend (over a glass of wine, of course) and discussing where I could potentially see myself, the topic of Pilates came up and we signed me up to the course that night. Six months later, I was a qualified Pilates Instructor and that's where it all began.
I have worked in various Reformer Pilates studios throughout Sydney and the Central Coast, but most recently operated my own private home studio for two years before my September opening of the group Reformer studio, Pilates with April, located in Terrigal, NSW.
My WHY has always been to show my girls what encapsulates a 'strong' woman - the mind, the body and the soul. All women really are capable of doing whatever they want and can succeed if they are willing to put in the work. Just because it’s not what most people consider “the norm” doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing. At the total risk of sounding corny AF, I want to be the best role model possible for my daughters. Also, I really am lucky enough to just love what I do.
3. Run us through what a normal day looks like for you?
“Normal” has changed a lot for me since opening the PWA Studio 6 weeks ago. I was always a 6am runner or gym goer, but now I’m in the studio ready to instruct at 5.30am so I am learning to adjust, be more disciplined with my days and ensure I find time for my own 'self care'.
My new normal looks a little something like this:
5.00am: Wake up
5.30am: Arrive at the studio
5.45am: FWD FORM Protein Smoothie
6.00am - 10.00am: Reformer Pilates classes (& coffee by the amazing Brewd Life)
10.30am: FWD FORM Pre-Workout and a run, Pilates or Elevate Training Class with Elle Wellness
11.30am: Playtime with my girls. We usually hit the beach, a park or visit our family & friends and share a healthy lunch together
5.00pm - 7.00pm: Back at the studio for some more Reformer classes & a healthy dinner on the go
7.30pm: Cuddles, books and bedtime with the girls
8.00pm: Dinner, study & admin
9.00pm: Bedtime. I used to read for 30 mins before bed, but that has dropped off lately so I am keen to get back into that. It really is the perfect way to wind down before bed.
4. What does 'Motivated By The Fear of Average' mean to you?
Everyone’s concept of “average” is subjective. For me, being “average” is not being the best version of myself and not doing what I love and enjoy. Someone once said to me in my twenties “why exist when you can live?” and that has stuck with me ever since.
Every day I compare myself to who I was yesterday. I make an effort to make sure at the end of the day I can say “Yeah, I’m better than her (me)”. Most days I have no idea what I’m doing, and it can be terrifying. If you try, you MAY fail. But if you haven't tried, you HAVE already failed.
Try. That’s living. That’s not average.
5. How do you support your health and hustle with FWD FORM? What is your favourite product?
How do I even narrow it down? I use at least two of the FWD FORM products daily.
I started strong with the Daily Super Greens but recently, the Pre Workout has become my number one. It’s been exactly what I need to push through and get motivated for the late morning/midday workouts without the crash afterwards, and it does help that it actually tastes delicious!
6. What's next for you and where can we follow the journey?
There’s a few exciting projects on the horizon for PWA and with everything going to plan, they should be put into action early next year. For now, I am focusing on cultivating and growing the already incredible PWA community. I am forever grateful for all the beautiful people that I am surrounded with every day and can't wait to share with everyone just what PWA has in store for the future.
You can follow along at @pilateswithapril, @pwathestudio or for some more detailed information about what we offer at PWA please head to our website - www.pilateswithapril.com.au. At a minimum, you’ll see some cool Reformer & Mat Flows!